So I have rebelled completely and created a freshness monster, a cake so large I had to cradle it between a large bowl and plate all the way home on the train. Now ladies, if ever you were needing a compliment pick me up try outdoor cake carrying. It's a bit like walking a dog, so many people (men) stop to compliment your prop and yourself :) I smiled all the way to Montrose.
This cake was taken from the far too mourish Divine Chocolate book that dear old Eliza gave me for christmas. It's a fresh strawberry (marinaded in orange and sugar), whipped cream, white chocolate cake. Strangely the white chocolate and butter were melted then added to the sponge, mmm. It was so generous and yummy I managed to sneak a corner home with me this morning. If anyone wants the recipe for this one just ask and I'll e-mail it to you. Well worth it.